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Monday 22 May 2017

General Ability Exams Moder Papers Solved Mcqs Job Test FPSC , PPSC , SPSC , BPSC , AJKPSC , NTS

General Ability Exams Moder Papers Solved Mcqs Job Test FPSC , PPSC , SPSC , BPSC , AJKPSC , NTS
Which of these words most nearly
means the word Provided
1. deplete
a. decorate
b. beg
c. exhaust
d. hurry
2. voluntary
a. willing
b. charity
c. prisoner
d. careless
3. refute
a. garbage
b. deny
c. offer
d. difficult
4. cheat
a. stingy
b. argue
c. freckle
d. defraud
5. miserable
a. cruel
b. wrong
c. unhappy
d. miss
1. c. deplete means to reduce or deprive or
something essential;
exhaust means to empty completely
2. a. voluntary means done by one’s own
will, or willing
3. b. to refute means to prove wrong, or to
deny the truth of
4. d. to cheat means to influence by means
of trickery, or to
5. c. miserable means in a state of distress
or unhappiness
Fill in the blank with the correct verb form.
6. ___________ the police immediately.
a. Call
b. Called
c. Been calling
d. To call
7. The biggest problem with Martha’s garden
__________ too many weeds.
a. will have been
b. were
c. will have
d. was
8. Last week, Tracy and Shane were honored at
luncheon for their part in rescuing a child who
____________________ into an icy pond.
a. falls
b. would fall
c. had fallen
d. has fallen
9. The woman who confronted the owner of the
unleashed dog ____________ angry.
a. were
b. was
c. are
d. have been
10. The boy ______________ the bat and ran to
first base as fast as he could.
a. swings
b. swinged
c. swung
d. swing
11. There ___________ four excellent
in the center of town.
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. being
12. The noise from the lawn mowers
______________ louder as the morning
a. gets
b. get
c. have gotten
d. are getting
Replace the underlined words with the
phrase that best completes the sentence. If
the sentence is correct as is, choose a.
13. The words Equal Justice Under Law is
carved above the main entrance to the Supreme
a. is carved
b. carved
c. has been carved
d. are carved
e. been carved
14. In classical economic theory, the
between supply and demand determines the
price of a commodity.
a. between supply and demand determines
b. among supply and demand determines
c. among supply and demand determine
d. between supply and demand determine
e. with supply and demand determine
15. A corporation created by the federal
government during the Great Depression, the
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is
responsible for flood control, must generate
electric power, and soil conservation.
a. flood control, must generate electric power,
and soil conservation.
b. flood control, generating electric power, and
for soil conservation.
c. controlling floods, generating electric
power, and soil conservation.
d. flood control, the generation of electric
power, and soil conservation.
e. flood control, for the generation of electric
power, and conserving the soil.
16. According to traditional Chinese medicine,
people with healthy livers are said to be calm
and that they possess unerring judgment.
a. are said to be calm and that they possess
b. are said to be calm and to possess
c. said to be calm and possessing
d. have said to be calm and to possess
e. are said to be calm and possessive of
17. When the phone is ringing, Jacoby had been
writing in his journal.
a. is ringing, Jacoby had been writing
b. rings, Jacoby was writing
c. rang, Jacoby was writing
d. had rung, Jacoby was writing
e. rang, Jacoby will be writing
18. To determine the speed of automobiles,
radar is often used by the state police.
a. To determine the speed of automobiles,
radar is often used by the state police.
b. To determine the speed of automobiles,
it is often necessary for the state police to
use radar.
c. In determining the speed of automobiles,
the use of radar by state police is often
d. To determine the speed of automobiles, the
state police often use radar.
e. Radar by state police in determining the
speed of automobiles is often used.
19. Everyone signed the petition before
submitting to the city council.
a. submitting
b. one submits it
c. you submit it
d. we will submit it
e. we submitted it
20. I have a cross-training exercise program: I
swim laps, play tennis, the weight machines,
and bicycle riding.
a. I swim laps, play tennis, the weight
machines, and bicycle riding.
b. I swim laps, play tennis, lift weights, and
ride a bicycle.
c. I swim laps, play tennis, I lift weights, and
bicycle riding is a change.
d. swimming laps, tennis, lifting weights, and
the bicycle.
e. swim laps, play tennis, lifting weights, and
riding a bicycle.
6. a. This is a command; the subject of the
sentence is understood (You call).
7. d. The verb was agrees with its subject,
problem, and is in the past tense.
8. c. Since the action takes place in the past,
the only correct choice is the past perfect
had fallen.
9. b. This is the only choice that is in agreement
with the singular subject woman.
10. c. The correct verb form is the past tense
11. b. The verb are agrees with the plural noun
12. a. The singular verb gets agrees with the
singular noun noise.
13. d. A plural subject takes a plural verb; since
the subject words is plural, the verb to be
carved must also be plural.
14. a. Correct as is. There are two possible
errors in this sentence: One is subject/verb
agreement and the other is the use of the
words between and among. Between is used
to compare two things; among is used to
compare more than two things. Since the
subject relationship is singular, the verb to
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determine must also be singular. Only
choice a makes the comparison between
two things and uses the singular verb
15. d. The three underlined elements make a
coordinated series; to clearly express their
relationship to each other, they need to
abide by one consistent grammatical
construction. In choice a, the verb must
generate breaks the parallelism. In choice b,
the word for breaks the parallelism. In
choice c, the series changes construction,
adopting a different type of parallel
construction; however, the third element,
soil conservation, does not use a present
participle verb before it. It breaks the
parallelism. In choice e, none of the three
elements are parallel.
16. b. The two underlined elements make a
coordinated pair; they need to abide by one
grammatical construction. Only in choice b
are both verbs in their infinitive form.
17. c. In choice c, the tense of to ring and to
agree; there is no shift in tense.
18. d. Choice d is best because it is written in
active voice.
19. e. Choice a is ambiguous: Is everyone
submitting to the council? Choices b, c,
and d make an illogical shift in verb tense.
20. b. The second clause of this sentence only
one in which all four elements use the same
grammatical construction, a verb in the
present tense followed by a noun.
21. Dyarchy divided India into 8 major provinces
(excluding Burma.)
22. Jinnah-Rajendra Prasad formula came in
23. Provincial elections held in India in 1937 .
24. Pirpur Report about congress ministries
came in 1938.
25. Shareef report about Bihar came in 1939.
26. Muslims observed “Day of Deliverance” on
22nd Dec: 1939.
27. A committee under the chairmanship of
Raja Mohd: Mehdi was appointed to inquire
into congress ministries.
28. August Offer was offered by Viceroy Lord
Llinthgow in 1940.
29. Cripps visited India in 1942.
30. Simla conference (June, 1945) was
presented by Lord Wavel.
31. Wavel plan was made in 1945.
32. The Objectives Resolution was made the
part of the Constitution instead of being merely
a document of guiding Principles in 8th
33. Bicameral legislature was provided for in the
1973 constitution.
34. The minimum age of a Senator is 30 years.
35. The minimum age of Prime Minister under
the constitution is 35 years.
36. The age of President is 45 years
37. Army action was started in East Pakistan
from March 1971
38. Mother of Z.A.Bhutto was Rajput Hindu
woman who had converted to Islam.
39. Bhutto was appointed Foreign Minister in
40. EAST Pakistan became an independent
entity in December 1971
41. Difference between a two-digit number and
the number obtained by interchanging the two
digits is 36, what is the difference between two
Answer: Option B
Let the ten digit be x, unit digit is y.
Then (10x + y) – (10y + x) = 36
=> 9x – 9y = 36
=> x – y = 4
42. The ratio between the present ages of P and
Q is 6:7. If Q is 4 years old than P, what will be
the ratio of the ages of P and Q after 4 years
Answer: Option A
Let P age and Q age is 6x years and 7x years.
Then 7x – 6x = 4 <=> x = 4
So required ratio will be
(6x+4): (7x+4) => 28:32 => 7:8 as (ages of P and
Q after 4 years)
43. Three candidates contested an election and
received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes
respectively. What percentage of the total votes
did the winning candidate got
Answer: Option C
Total number of votes polled = (1136 + 7636 +
11628) = 20400
So, Required percentage = 11628/20400 * 100
= 57%
44. Two students appeared at an examination.
One of them secured 9 marks more than the
other and his marks was 56% of the sum of their
marks. The marks obtained by them are
Answer: Option D
Let their marks be (x+9) and x.
Then, x+9 = 56/100(x + 9 +x)
=> 25(x+9)= 14 (2x + 9)
=> 3x = 99
=> x = 33.
So, their marks are 42 and 33
45. Two trains are running at 40 km/hr and 20
km/hr respectively in the same direction. Fast
train completely passes a man sitting in the
slower train in 5 seconds. What is the length of
the fast train ?
27 7/9
28 7/9
29 7/9
30 7/9
Answer: Option A
As Trains are moving in same direction,
So, Relative Speed = 40-20 = 20 kmph
= 20*(5/18) = 50/9 m/sec
Length of Train= Speed * Time
Length=50/9 ∗5
=250/9 =27 7/9
46. A man can row upstream 10 kmph and
downstream 20 kmph. Find the man rate in
still water and rate of the stream.
1. 0,5
Answer: Option C
Please remember,
If a is rate downstream and b is rate upstream
Rate in still water = 1/2(a+b)
Rate of current = 1/2(a-b)
=> Rate in still water = 1/2(20+10) = 15 kmph
=> Rate of current = 1/2(20-10) = 5 kmph
47. A man rows 750 m in 675 seconds against
the stream and returns in 7 and half minutes.
His rowing speed in still water is
4 kmph
5 kmph
6 kmph
7 kmph
Answer: Option B
Rate upstream = (750/675) = 10/9 m/sec
Rate downstream (750/450) m/sec = 5/3 m/sec
Rate in still water = (1/2)*[(10/9) + (5/3)] m/sec.
= 25/18 m/sec
= (25/18)*(18/5) kmph
= 5 kmph
48. Find the simple interest on the Rs. 2000 at
25/4% per annum for the period from 4th Feb
2005 to 18th April 2005
Rs 25
Rs 30
Rs 35
Rs 40
Answer: Option A
One thing which is tricky in this question is to
calculate the number of days.
Always remember that the day on which money
is deposited is not counted while the day on
which money is withdrawn is counted.
So lets calculate the number of days now,
Time = (24+31+18) days = 73/365 years = 1/5
P = 2000
R = 25/4%
S.I. = =2000×25/(4×5×100 )
49. A sum of Rs 12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500
in the 4 years at the rate of simple interest.
Find the rate percent
6 %
7 %
8 %
9 %
Answer: Option A
So, S.I = 15500 – 12500 = 3000.
=>R=3000∗100/(12500∗4 )=6%
50. What is the present worth of Rs. 132 due in
2 years at 5% simple interest per annum
Answer: Option B
Let the present worth be Rs.x
Then,S.I.= Rs.(132 – x)
=› (x*5*2/100) = 132 – x
=› 10x = 13200 – 100x
=› 110x = 13200
x= 120
51. Jaabi is one who collects Zakat.
52. Kalima Tauheed is recited during Hajj.
53. At Mina the ritual of offering sacrifice is
54. Jamart-throwing of pebbles, it is performed
on 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of Zul Hajj.
55. Maghrib and Isha both prayers are offered
together at Muzdalifa on 9th Zil Hajj.
56. Yome-Afra is called to Hajj day.
57. Name of the place where the pilgrims go
from Arafat: Muzdalfa.
58. First structure of Kaaba was built by Adam.
59. Ibrahim & Ismail rebuilt Kaaba 4500 years
60. Yum-e-Nahar is called to the Day of
61. Jibrael is mentioned in Quran for three
62. Old Testament is the Torait.
63. New Testament is Injeel.
64. Psalms is Zuboor.
65. Gospal is Called Injeel.
66. Prophet is called Farqaleet in Injeel.
67. Taharat-e-Sughra is Wuzu.
68. There are two types of Farz.
69. Saloos-ul-Quran is Surah Ikhlas
70. Zakat means to purify.
71. A camera uses a __________ to form an
a. convex lens
b. concave lens
c. condenser lens
d. none of these
72. Which from the following is NOT a
a. Aluminium
b. Silicoz
c. Graphite
d. All are conductors
73. CNG stands for?
A. Converted Natural Gas
B. Conduced Natural Gas
C. Conducted Natural Gas
D. Compressed Natural Gas
74. Which from the following is true for “Sound”?
a. Sound cannot travel through a
b. Sound cannot travel through
c. Sound cannot travel through
d. Sound cannot travel through
75. When white light is passed through a prism, it
splits into __________ colours.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
76. 1 nanometer = ?
a. 10-3 meter
b. 10-6 meter
c. 10-9 meter
d. 10-12 meter
77. Instrument used for measuring very high
temperature is __________.
a. Pyroscope
b. Pyrometer
c. Seismograph
d. Xylometer
78. Sound waves are _________ waves.
a. Transverse
b. Electromagnetic
c. Longitudinal
d. none of these
79. The lifespan of White Blood Cells is
__________ day(s).
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Note: – White blood cells(WBCs), also called
leukocytes or leucocytes, are the cells of
the immune systemthat are involved in
protecting the body against both infectious
disease and foreign invaders. The normal
white cell count is usually between 4 and 11
× 109
/L. In the US this is usually expressed
as 4,000–11,000 white blood cells per
microliter of blood.[3] They make up
approximately 1% of the total blood volume
in a healthy adult.[4] An increase in the
number of leukocytes over the upper limits
is called leukocytosis, and a decrease below
the lower limit is called leukopenia.
80. The fluid part of blood is known as
a. plasma
b. platelets
c. blood cells
81. X-rays were discovered by __________.
a. Rontgen
b. Thomson
c. Rutherford
d. Bacquerel
82. The speed of light is __________.
a. 280,000 km/s
b. 300,000 km/s
c. 320,000 km/s
d. none of these
83. During winter in cold countries, the
__________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy
A. Salt
B. Chlorine
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Water
84. In a very low temperature which from the
following will freeze at last?
a. River water
b. Canal water
c. Sea water
d. Water in a lake
85. The nearest planet to the Earth is _________.
a. Venus
b. Mercury
c. Mars
d. Moon
86. The planet that moves round the Sun at the
highest speed is?
a. Jupiter
b. Venus
c. Mars
d. Mercury
87. In general, Comets have __________ orbits.
a. Elliptical
b. Highly elliptical
c. Circular
d. Parabolic
88. GPS is an abbreviation for?
a. Global Poles System
b. Global PolySiliconium Store
c. Global Positioning System
d. Global Position Structure
89. Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the
a. Gain of Electrons
b. Loss of Electrons
c. Gain of Protons
d. Loss of Protons
90. At night, Plants intake __________ and
release __________.
a. Oxygen – Carbon dioxide
b. Carbon dioxide – Oxygen
c. Oxygen – Carbon monoxide
d. Carbon monoxide – Oxygen
91. Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to
compile the Quran:
a. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
b. Hazrat Uthman (R.A)
c . Hazrat Ali (R.A)
d. Hazrat Zaid (R.A)
92. The Nisab of Zakat in Silver is:
a. 40 Tolas
b. 50 Tolas
c . 50 1⁄2 Tolas
d. 52 1⁄2 Tolas
93. The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz
bin Jabal the Governor of:
a. Kufa
b. Makkah
c . Medina
d. Yaman
94. Who are the “Sahibain”?
a. Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf
b. Abu Hanifah and Imam Shaibani
c. Abu Yusuf and Imam
Shaibani(Imam Muhammad al-
Shaibani and Imam Abu Yusuf al-
d. Abu Hanifah and Imam Shafi
Note:- Two pupils of Imam Abu Hanifa,
Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam
Muhammad, are known as Sahibain
95. Hajj is not completed unless you
go to:
a. Makkah
b. Medina
c . Mina
d. Arafat
96. “Kitab-al-Umm” is written by:
a. Abu Hanifa
b. Imam Malik
c. Imam Shafi
d. Ahmad bin Hambal
97. The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah
was laid down during:
a. Abbasid Period
b. Ummayad Dynasty
c . Fatmid
d. Sub-Continent
98. What is the number of month
“Rajab” in Islamic Calendar?
a. First
b. 7th
c . 5th
d. Eleventh
99. First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin
Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one?
a. Ibn-e-Taimya
b. Imam Ghizali
c . Ahmad Sirhindi
d. Shah Waliullah
100. Sahifa Hammam bin Munabih was
found by:
a. Mufti M. Abduhu
b. Rasheed Ahmad Raza
c . Dr. Hamidullah
d. Dr. Zakir Naik

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